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Scott Cofton has served the IT Sales and Marketing Market place based here in the Thames Valley for the past three decades. We have thrived and survived through booms and recessions supplying the best available throughout. We are now in highly candidate driven market which none the less remains highly competitive and requires our clients to only consider the best who can deliver optimum results and foster the best ongoing business relationships.

It has been a long march from banks crashing to where we are now. Jobs outnumber quality candidates and thus there are great opportunities for higher earnings and career advancement. There is still a latent sense that the rewards are not what might have been prior to most of the global economy taking a pay cut but that is improving year on year. There are great openings to found amongst the plethora of bottom feeding jobs swarming around the foot of the market. New positions emerge everyday and the race to fill them is only restrained by the ever increasing onus on finding the right fitting candidate. Near enough good enough won’t do in today’s competitive race for business success.

It is the knowledge of the market ,the network of contacts and information about who is where beyond linked in that makes the real difference here. Knowing who is genuinely successful but also who really has the client, product and financial resources to enhance your best efforts and drive. It is still real access to the top decision makers and the highest performing talent that makes the key difference. The advent of social media, big data, algorithms and digital marketing have changed the business landscape beyond recognition. The need for effective marketing strategies and persuasive sales skills remains unchanged.


Scott Cofton Associates Ltd

Scott Cofton have enjoyed a predominant position in the IT, Hi-Tech, Sales and Marketing market here in the Thames Valley and the South East. Our clients include vendors, systems integrators, software houses, distributors, service providers and many household names.

Contact Us

  • Davidson House, Forbury Square,
    Berkshire, Reading RG1 3EU

  • Tel: 01491 874370 or 07825 250145

  • Email: